Saturday, September 24, 2011


It has already been an adventure! Everything has gone very smoothly so far. Right now I am in my home, in my new bed. Emilia, the host mother, is very nice and easy to talk to. Right away she fixed me arroz con pollo, rice and chicken, which was delicious! The dogs and I love each other already.

The plane rides were easy; I had one stop in Charlotte, North Carolina. On my flight from Charlotte I happened to sit next to a guy named Seth who is also studying Spanish at Veritas! So it was nice to have someone to talk about the upcoming trip with. Not only that, he was a former IB student!! Needless to say we had a lot to talk about with comparisons of our IB experiences.

Overall, the feel of Costa Rica is very different than I expected. The humidity was quite a shock! I had no understanding of what humidity is in Phoenix. Haha. It has already been an interesting experience to express myself in Spanish. The thoughts happen much faster than the spoken words, and I'm hoping by the end of this trip those speeds will begin to match up.

I'm very excited to be here, and it is finally hitting me that I'm going to be here for 3 months. That seems like such a long time considering the length of the past day for me, but I'm looking forward to it.
Hopefully I'll have some pictures up of the house and my room soon!

1 comment:

  1. Alison, I'm so excited to read about your initial experience. What an opportunity! I'm glad to hear that you have unos perros en la casa - qué bien! I'm thinking of you during your time of adjustment. As you know, at times you may feel frustrated or down (i.e. U.S. holidays or much sooner); this too shall pass if you maintain a positive and open attitude. This is already how I experience you. I'm thrilled for you, and a teensy-weensy bit jealous. I look forward to following your story in Costa Rica as it develops. I'm happy to Skype with you, fb or email - if you ever want to do so. Please know that I'm here to support you.
    Abrazos y besos de Oregon,
