Thursday, December 15, 2011

One of the best things happened today.

And it is something that I have been wanting to happen ever since I started learning Spanish. I knew that once I could do this, I would be nearly fluent!

Today, as I was walking in the crowded main plaza of San José, I heard just a snippet of conversation between two men, and without even realizing it, I understood what they were saying. This may seem like the smallest accomplishment, but to me it meant so much because I understood something that I wasn't actively listening to. I subconsciously understood it! Only after I had been thinking of my own opinion on what he said did I realize what I had just done. If you think about it, you really have to have an understanding of the language to comprehend something that was spoken quickly, quietly, and not directed at you. I wasn't looking at the man, or watching his mouth move. I was going the opposite direction, barely heard it, but understood it.

Haha maybe that is silly. But I felt really proud of myself.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! We will have to write letters to each other in Spanish to keep up our language skills. I can't wait to see you!!!!!
