Thursday, November 3, 2011

La Paz

Costa Rica is beautiful!

This weekend I went with some friends to La Paz Waterfall Gardens. We met early on Saturday morning by the university and took taxis to the bus station. From there we took a 2 hour bus ride into the town of La Paz, where the park is located.
It was an extremely rainy day, but still beautiful. It was really fun to see all the gardens the nature reserve had to offer, and once the rain stopped, there were these large clouds of mist that blanketed the forrest, giving it a very cool effect.

 The park had exhibits of snakes, butterflies, frogs, and jungle cats. 

Bridget and Jocelyn

A sloth!!

Sarah and a tree frog :)

A Jaguar

Some of the other activities I have been doing in San José:

The Children's Museum:

I loved this piece

Some things I love about my experience here:

  • Not having a phone. I haven't spoken on a telephone for about a month and a half. I love not having to check if I have text messages. I love that if I want to meet up with someone, or if I need to talk to someone about something important, it has to happen in person. Plus, personal time is really my own, and I am not distracted by a buzzing phone. 
  • Living with very few possessions. I love having about 8 shirts to choose from in the morning. I love that I take better care of the things I have to make sure they last. 
  • Money is spent on experiences. 
  • I love what I'm learning about myself here. 


  1. I love you pics! Not having a cell phone is very liberating. You really do begin to appreciate interacting with people in person. I have an Italian cell, but only as an emergency phone. Our school requires it. But I love not actually looking at it. I have to agree with the limited clothing thing too. It is amazing how much extra stuff we all have back home that we don't need. It is very eye opening.

  2. Your pictures are beautiful. I am so happy you are having all these wonderful experiences. When you talked about the guitar, I could totally picture my son. I can't remember the last day he has not touched a guitar. I could totally feel your excitement and joy! The past few months have flown by, way too fast. Thank you for sharing your trip everyone.
    Lisa (from Desert Jewel)

  3. Lisa, thank you so much! I didn't know your son played guitar, that is really cool! I hope everything is going well for you. I miss you! I'm excited to see you and everyone at Desert Jewel in January. :)

    P.S. You have no idea how much your cards have meant to me. I just opened the last one. :) Thank you.


  4. Love your blog. You are having such an amzing experience! I thot the pic of the puffer ffish was the coolest! Isn't snorkeling fun?
